Friday, May 7, 2010

Did Neanderthal And Humans Mate 30,000 Years Ago?

T1larg.neanderthal.courtesyI believe scientist are under extreme pressure to come up with new and interesting findings or lose research grant money. The story that broke today is that Neanderthal genome DNA has been linked to humans, meaning we must have breed with them about 30,000 years ago. Did we? Take a look at the methodology used to gather the DNA samples.
"Using a delicate dental drill, researchers collected 500 milligrams of bone powder, roughly the size of a pill, from which to analyze and isolate DNA samples.
The bone samples contained very little preserved Neanderthal DNA. According to researchers, 95 to 97 percent of the DNA extracted was bacterial or from other organisms that had colonized the bone. The DNA fragments that were recovered were extremely small and contained chemical modifications that could have yielded false data."
They are admitting that the samples had been contaminated with bacteria. They seem to be pushing the point. Is that any different then what some Bigfoot researchers have been accused of.

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