Friday, February 28, 2014

The upcoming Bigfoot expedition

The "March Monkey Madness" expedition is on. I have secured the campsite permits from the state of Florida and we are getting ready. This area is Hugh and there have been two BFRO reported Bigfoot sightings in here. We are getting ready for a success.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Green Swamp Bigfoot sighting video

This is the important part of the Bigfoot sighting video taken in the Florida Green Swamp. I am holding back the entire video to protect my rights to it. Good news. We will soon begin shooting a pilot episode for a potential cable TV Bigfoot show. The guys I currently work with are already TV production professionals and understand how this stuff is done. I will be learning along the way. I have purposly surrounded myself with talented guys and it is now paying off. We have brought in an outsider to manage, produce and edit the project. This project will last months.

We are in the planning stages and this video will be part of it. We are also lining up people who have come forward with Bigfoot pictures, videos and cast from Florida that have not posted anything on the net or contacted BFRO. Witnesses and material will be unique to this project.

We are putting in all we have to make this a go. I am sure people will find the show not only entertaining, but as this video shows, we will present  compelling evidence. We may even through in a little monkey for entertainment.

NOTE: This is the LONG and SHORT version. It is unique to this blog and is not on YouTube. You will see it bob up and down before it shows itself in the open. There are at least one other to its right (viewers left) that is desperately trying to hide in the palmettos. This video shows 1) SOCIAL INTERACTION 2) USE OF PATHWAYS they used the horse trail behind them to enter and exit field 3) The are DESPERATELY TRYING TO HIDE they don't want to be seen by man.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Rick Dyer's Bigfoot raking in the cash

Rick Dyer has his Bigfoot on display in Houston. He is charging $20 a head and the first day 800 people paid up. That's $16,000. Good work if you can get it. I need to get out of the taxi business. Below are photos from Houston.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Cool new flashlight

This flashlight was a gift fro George and Kevin. It is about 5 million candlepower and can really light up the woods at nightm It uses lithium 123)batteries that last forever. This is an awsome new tool for nighttime Bigfoot operations.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Skunk Ape prints found in Florida

Something with a 15 inch foot walked into the water and out the other side. Consider this was the location of a sighting that was video taped, I believe the Bigfoot left them behind. This is Stacy Brown Jr, the world champ of Sasquatch hunting. It was a lot of fun working with Stacy, Dave, and their team.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Congratulations to Stacy Brown Jr and Dave

I called Stacy last night as soon as the Bigfoot Bounty show ended to tell him how happy I was for him. There was a tremendous amount of work involved and he and Dave were up for the task. I think his victory shows how far along "swamp" researchers have come in this gig. The photo below is his guys working with us.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Serching in the Skunk Ape territory

You had to climb over this to get into the Skunk Ape area
These are some of the images from the outing I did yesterday without Kevin. I really needed him because this area was vast and you could walk for miles without seeing anyone or any sign of civilization. Since this area is so vast, it will be worth us coming back to it.

You had to climb a metal staircase to just get into the area. There are wild, free range cattle that are in here. They will harm you if you run into them. So, don't go alone like I did.

You can see how it goes to the horizon
I did find some prints and lots of animal prints. You have large fields, swamps, and hardwood hammocks in here which is an awesome array of topography. My time was limited, so I do need to come back when I can spend most of the day.
One of the prints that was found in the swamp area

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Recorded howls in the Florida swamp

I recorded these howls in a state controlled watershed at night. This was the same area I offered to take Matt Moneymaker into on this same date three months ago ( I never heard from him). He would now have great howls for his show. It was the beginning of migration season and the permanent population wad getting excited about their friends return. I recorded several on this video.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Skunk Ape audio may be a "howler monkey"

screen shot of Floirda Skunk Ape website about my video
A video I did while in the Green Swamp at night recorded something strange. I compared it to MP3 recordings of other known animals in Florida, and could not come up with a match. I stated that I believe its a Skunk Ape. If I was a minister, I would claim it was the Lord. I do not, however, hold myself up to the same standards as Rome. But, what you hear is real and I recorded it.

People who want to lie about me when they were not there and have no idea of what I am doing, Carolann of the ISRTUSA, state this audio is fake. It is because of people like her, that others think I am a hoaxer. My group does not hoax and she has no idea what the hell she is talking about. I worked a few hours in the afternoon one day, actually twenty minutes was all the time we spent together. Based on that she thinks she knows me....the video is below. You will hear something very scary.

"Hay buddie you might be a researcher or something elsew I dont know. I work with Primates every day and the next time you want to record a bigfoot use a sound that not as recognizable to somebody like me as a howler monkey. And if you made that recording in florida then youmust have been recording next to the miami zoo. get a life!"...Mike Cave

Mike Cave … He wouldn’t have to drive to Miami , we have Lowery Park Zoo in Tampa and Lex Salisbury has a primate safari in the Green Swamp ( Polk county ) and a ranch of exotics north of Dade City ( still part of the Green Swamp ) and Barnum & Bailey have their Elephant breeding and research facility in the G swamp . So glad you caught it and posted !!!
Some of us researchers that ” work ” the Green Swamp / Richloam area know about these things and take even more of a precaution to label what we see or hear as Skunkape/Bigfoot related because of these animals being in the area ! Some of the “researchers ” take this stuff and ” run with it ” …Carolann
What she wrote is defamation of character. I was nowhere near these spots and until now did not know anything about them.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Covert Bigfoot operation

This is me pulling out my old camera that I used in field research for almost a year before I got an upgrade. I used this the other day to set up a stealth 'trail cam' situation by using the video function and leaving the area for over an hour. I got some very interesting sounds of things moving around.
The video below has a running length of twenty minutes - twice that of YouTube. That is part of the reason that I am using Dailymotion for many of my video uploads. Plus, they do not take as long to load, and the quality seems to be somewhat better. They say that if you are using HD - you will get HD with them.

Skunk Ape prints found in front of trail cam

One of photos above shows the field of grass in the Green Swamp were the camera is aimed. The other shows the prints we found that we believe are from an upright walking animal. The trai of prints went right through this grass field.
This area is surrounded by cypress tree's and swamp water. You will get your feet wet coming out here. There are also gators and snakes. This is probably why most people in Bigfoot are armchair people (Sharon Lee) because this could be dangerous.
Tim Fasano and Kevin Kehl will be back at it today. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Spike TV Bigfoot Bounty shutting down fast

With no real evidence and outlandish theories being offered, Spike TV is doubling up episodes to get rid of it.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A 1936 photo of the Yowie

In 1936 a photographer profiled in this video took what many now think was an authentic image of the Yowie. The shooter was not aware of the Yowie until after seeing the image. Not sure about this one.

Sasquatch in Alberta Canada

Why is this video not getting more buzz? It may be part of that veal outdoors adventure companies publicity campaign but I am having difficulty finding any info on it. It looks real to me. The way it moves with tremendous speed and athleticism is not your normal hoaxer. You would think Phil would do a breakdown of this instead of some silly Mark Anders video.

Citrus Park Bigfoot search

Checking it all out
I was investigating an area that was a hotbed of Bigfoot activity 20-30 years ago. This area is north of Tampa and used to be country and cow pasture but not anymore. It is now becoming very populated with traffic. Many of the wilderness areas are still here because they connect to a large watershed area that provides water for north Tampa. You could hike for miles without really running into anyone. You would, however, have to cross roads which we believe Bigfoot does in the middle of the night.

I went into this area the other day and was surprised at the conditions. When you got into it, suburbia disappeared. It got quite and I would have thought I was in the Green Swamp. I did find a golf ball. Strange, we were nowhere near a golf course. I did find a swamp but could not locate any prints. The seven minute YouTube video below will show you what a good time I had.
In the winter the cypress trees lose their leaves and we got line of sight.

Trail cam images summer 2013

These are some of the fantastic images we got off of trail cam A from May 13, 2013 - November 13, 2013.

Full spectrum night optics

We are using a full spectrum camera (modified) that allows a search party to move to the tree line in total darkness by using thermal lights. The images are captured on a camera screen at base. By getting up close we can avoid the obvious shortcoming of "Finding Bigfoot" that only uses FLIR from a distance. Our method puts a researcher close to whatever made the hot reading then bathes the squatch in thermal lights getting a spectacular image.
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